Monday, April 14, 2014

Day one- done son!

Day one down in the books!!!  Did the new 5/25 UBWO and was joined by one of my faves (holla Casi!) and blasted my arms.  Was SUPER irritated with the Bad Girls Club who literally just walked up in my space and just acted like they owned the place... felt good to sit there struggling through my 10-15 lb lifts and think that my workout was just as important as theirs... so F*** you ladies who have all day to work out... don't underestimate my lifting ability bc I pack a mean punch!  *end rant*
Eating was good today- but CRAVING and my body is saying "you're hungry"... but I will just focus on the small victories today and put a fork in it... well, not literally... I am CRAVING another cup of coffee... but I am going to resist if only for the practice of self-discipline... nothing exciting, life is busy... but one foot in front of the other... I can do this... one day at a time.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Challenge Two- Challenge Eve...

I stumbled across this blog spot I started 5 years ago- wow... what a treasure!  I am excited to follow myself from 5 years ago through this journey once again... however, now the question will be, why did I not sustain it?  I have decided to do a Body For Life 12 week challenge- it is the only time in my life I was successful and felt so proud of myself for what I had accomplished... so getting back to that... here we go!  Follow me if you dare!!!
Starting off I have an apology to get out of the way..
Dear Self,
I am sorry I have let you get to this point again... you know, where you just feel disgusted with yourself and can't stand to look in the mirror?  It's more than physical... it's the whole "I am not taking care of myself" merry-go-round.  It is the lack of respect for what is fueling me... the weak arms and jello legs... it is not feeling like the ninja I know I am.  Tomorrow will be rough... I will expect you to function like a precise fine-tuned machine and you're not... so it will hurt (mentally & physically) but we will get there.  Be patient.

My reasons for doing this:
1. I am sick of the fact that the only reason I do squats is when I just put on my jeans and I am trying to stretch them out to fit... (anyone else have this problem???)
2. I want to walk by my husband naked and feel like a goddess.
3. I want to get this over with so I don't spend the rest of my frickin' life "battling my weight"
4. I want my girls to have a better role model, a strong and healthy mom
5. I want to feel put together and beautiful!
(notice all of these reasons are still the SAME reasons I wanted this 5 years ago!!??)

What I will acheive over the next 12 weeks:
1. I will lose 15 pounds of fat
2. I will be able to pull on a size 8 jeans without having to do my squats (see above)
3. I will have a flat (not flatter but flat) stomach and not look like I am in the early stages of pregnancy
4. I will wear chonies and they won't cut into my skin but rest nicely on it like I see on tv (lol)
5. I will have a ton of energy

Monday, February 22, 2010

Starting Week 8- It's all Downhill from here!

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted--- I have actually been very active on the Body For Life posting site to receive support from people doing the same thing... just wanted to catch up on here, mainly for myself, as it is nice to read back and be re-inspired.
So I am starting week 8... so far I have lost a little over 8 pounds and am definitely fitting into my pants better... I think I might be down a size... but not a solid size. I notice little things... the jammies my sister gave me for christmas that were so tight on my legs now fit... jeans I could not even come CLOSE to buttoning at the start, and even 2 weeks ago could button but were super tight, I wore on a date on Saturday. I feel like these last 5 weeks will be where the real transforming begins... I really need to hit it hard... as I read before: Keep my meals clean and my workouts dirty. Rather than whine and complain about where I am falling short, I want to list a couple more accomplishments, so when I look back, or you look to this, I will see the progress that goes beyond the mirror.

1. When I started, I could run 1.89 miles during my HIIT workout- and I felt like death. (that is actually what I wrote on my log for that workout). Yesterday I ran 2.38 miles and was worked but it felt gooood.
2. I went to Bunko on Friday and wasn't even tempted by all the snacks and candy on the table... I had just eaten, and although I used to mindlessly graze regardless, I didn't.
3. I am more patient with my kids- a lot less yelling going on!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Start of Week 3, Day 15- Want to feel like a ballerina, not a caveman

So I am starting week 3 and I am plodding along... the scale has become my enemy and I know on BFL you should really not be weighing yourself but I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF!!! I have also been cheating pretty heavily on my cheat days (I promised myself I would try to do only one cheat meal that day) so another area to work on. I know this is a lifestyle change, but these 12 weeks are supposed to be about discipline... where is my Jillian Michaels yelling in my face??? I am loving lifting weights though... who would have thunk it... and am hoping to do one pull up on my own by the end of this challenge. So my posting title is referring to this feeling that I feel like a tree trunk...can't describe it... not necessarily feeling "fat" but very solid... does that make sense? Anywho, if you see me tell me you see a difference already even if you don't, mmmkay??? LOL- thanks for the support--- goal for this week is to be ON POINT, especially since we have a lot of social engagements. Hit it hard...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 2- Bring it on!

Week one went really well for me... I was able to maintain my goal of drinking 10 cups of water a day (I NEVER drink water) and not cheat. I ate 6 times a day and ate the right foods and portions. I did my workouts and pushed myself in each one. The scale showed a 3 pound loss (woohoo) but more important I feel better, less bloated, clearer skin. I feel like I over-indulged on my cheat day yesterday but that has to just motivate me to work harder this week! I have a show this week on a night where I babysit late so that is where I need to focus and make sure I get my workout in!!! To all those who are also trying to be more disciplined I offer my mantra- one day at a time... if you slip up you have not ruined the day- just make a better choice next time. Remember we are human, and it is what we do most of the time that counts!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Body for Life Challenge: Part Deux- 1/3/10

So here I am again... I came across my old blog and am proud of myself for completing a Body for Life Challenge, but disgusted at the same time that I let all of my hard work go to waste. Since my last challenge I have completely let my eating go... I work out at least 3 days a week still, but not with the same intensity and purpose. I am realizing that the purpose of these challenges is to change my mindset and my body will follow, and that is where I have failed. Tomorrow will be day one of my 12 week journey... I encourage you to follow my blog and help me to value myself enough to give myself the gift of good health. I think I am starting to think I deserve it.

My reasons for doing this:
1. I know that developing a healthy attitude towards food now will save me years of battling my weight.
2. I want to walk by my husband naked and feel like a goddess.
3. I want my girls to have a better role model, a strong and healthy mom
5. I want to wear the dress I bought for my brother's wedding and have it fit!

What I will acheive over the next 12 weeks:
1. I will lose 15 pounds of fat
2. I will be able to pull on a size 8 jeans without having to do my squats (see above)
3. I will have a flat (not flatter but flat) stomach and not look like I am in the early stages of pregnancy
4. I will wear chonies and they won't cut into my skin but rest nicely on it
5. I will have a ton of energy

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 55- Body Confidence

It is funny... I never have been one to fret about my size or my weight... I mean, I always wished to be thinner and fit, but it never bothered me much. Ever since I have started this challenge, I have agonized over my body, my slow progress, how wide my hips are, etc... it gets me thinking that maybe I am missing the point of this whole transformation. I just received some pictures of my girls from my recent Oregon trip... I look at them and am envious of their body confidence. So, please, take a cue from my girls and rock the swimsuit, smile on the scale, and keep on trucking.