Monday, February 2, 2009

Day One--- F*** You Snotty Nose

Officially Day One... overall feeling quite proud of myself. My biggest problem is making excuses... so go figure, I wake up with a stuffed up nose, swollen throat and throbbing headache. I think, "of course this is happening... I am supposed to go run my arse off at the gym later, can't breathe well... no biggie" (note the nasaly sarcasm). Anywho, I ate spot on today and it felt good to be actually using ALL of my wonderful Pampered Chef products (no plug intended) all day. I really thought about what I was feeding my girls too. I def. felt HUNGRY all day... not craving as I felt crappy, but HUNGRY. It is so silly what made me proud today... not eating the last bite of the girl's granola bars (internal struggle: it is only one bite and they are healthy... but it is only one bite so why eat it? It will probably spiral into other "one bites" later...) I also went to the gym today and ran my heart out for 20 minutes! So cool! My heart rate was through the roof and I felt bad for the person behind me who had to stare at my butt jiggling but it was worth it! So to my stuffy nose and sore throat I say, F*** YOU! I feel amazing!

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